Monday, November 9, 2009

We are alive!

I have been getting many requests to update the blog. I have yet to figure out the pictures on this new computer...we haven't even put the software on for the camera to download them. But I do want to give you some highlights of the past few months.

  • Steve is still working at Microsoft as a contract worker. The contract ends at the end of January. At that time...who knows...
  • Stephanie is in 7th grade and is currently a straight A student. She even was skipped a grade in math and is in the 8th grade class for that.
  • Scott is in 4th grade, getting the same teacher that Stephanie had for 4th grade. He is in running club and Cub Scouts. He also joined another club at school, "Kids Making a Difference". He too is doing very well.
  • Me? I found myself a gem of a job. I get to work at home, on a computer provided by the company, doing their on-line customer service. I spend a few hours every day on it. Which means that I still have time for volunteering at the schools when needed. I'm also the fundraising chair for the PTA this year. That can be crazy at times!
  • For Halloween, Stephanie was Mary Poppins and Scott a black cat. Isabel did not like that one bit! Only one cat allowed in this house!

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