Friday, November 28, 2008

Advent Calendar 2008

This year we decided to be different yet again. The children will each get a box/gift to open on the 1st and on the 24th, but for the rest of the days, Scott will get the odd days and Stephanie the even days. Many of the boxes are home made and a few of them...on the right side of the TV, are even 6 sided boxes. Other small boxes were found at the Dollar Store. The envelopes were made by me using some fun scrapbook paper. I would love to tell you what is in them, but since the children will want to read this will have to wait.

Steve was pretty clever when he figured out that a yard stick would fit perfectly up in the cabinet, so we hung all the gifts from that and then closed the doors and all you see is the ribbons and the boxes.

I must say that my friend, Stephanie, helped me in this endeavor. We spent quite a bit of our time on the 20th just making these boxes! She was the one who taught me how to make the 6 sided boxes and I was quite pleased with myself this afternoon when I was able to make a couple of them all by myself.

Last year, both children had Advent calenders that we purchased thru Lego, and each day they put together a small Lego structure. Well, with unemployment, you have be creative...and this is our result. Enjoy!

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