Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuscan Knitting Bag

A friend of mine wanted a "knitting" bag for his wife. A "Tuscan" knitting bag. His wife had broken her ankle and he thought this would be just the thing for her.

Sooooooo...using some curtain material that was given to me, I think I made the perfect bag. :)

The pockets are all on the exterior of the bag and go all the way across and enter into the side seams. I then sized them for things like patterns, pens and pencils, scissors, cell phone and such. You get the idea.

Then there was the insert knitting needle holder. This idea came from my Mom and I think it worked out really well. I even embellished it with a bow. (Mom thinks that I don't embellish my bags enough.)

It's done and I can deliver tomorrow morning, right on schedule.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Twisted Fairy Tale by Stephanie

Goldibear and the Three Humans

By Stephanie Jensen

Once upon a time there were three humans that lived in a mansion in the forest. They were baby human, Mama human, and Papa human.

Mama human had just finished making pumpkin pie. But everyone thought it was too hot so they went for a walk in the woods.

Then the bear Goldibear came!

Goldibear had been taking a walk in the forest when she came across a meadow with a mansion and a mouthwatering aroma.

She went inside the mansion to find an unusual setting. Down the hall was a long table. On the table were two plates.

There was big plate with a throne chair and a huge piece of pie. In the center was a medium plate with a regular chair and a regular slice of pie.

Now she noticed that there was an awkward high stool with a punee chair on top, an odd shaped plate connected to it, and a small slice of pie on that.

She tried the huge slice first, but it was too hot. The regular slice was too sticky. But when she sat in the highchair to try the small piece…CRACK! BOOM!

“Uh oh.” The highchair’s legs had crumpled. But the pie was just right, and she gobbled it up.

She got out of the remains of the highchair and went upstairs hoping to find a reasonable place to sleep. Upstairs there were three beds. A huge bed, a median bed sized bed, and a very small bed with bars.

The huge bed was too bumpy. The middle bed was too bouncy. The small bed with bars was just right.

The humans came back, devastated at what had happened to the dining room.

But when they found Goldibear in Baby human’s bed they screamed! Then, Goldibear jumped out and ate them all up. And she lived happily ever after in the mansion.
The End

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Limited Gardening

Gardening this year is much simpler than usual. Weeding is not an option this year (health stuff), so planting in pots close to the house is the answer. Most of them hold herbs; parsley, basil and oregano. Stephanie has brought home from school some interesting things too, some of them we have no idea what they are, so they got planted in the front yard, and I will report later what they eventually become.

Also in the front, we have planted in the main bed there some cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchini and it is delightful to watch them sprout and grow. We had earlier planted some nasturtiums and they too are growing in the front.
My Dad brought us up some hostas from his yard and they look beautiful beside the back of the house. After they die back in the fall I will plant them into the beds at the side of the yard that gets lots of shade from the maple tree.

Here is Steve and Stephanie putting in more Columbine. The bed under the kitchen window is going to be full of them and I love their different colors!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cub Scouts, Legos and Heat

Scott is a busy guy and here he is getting his "Leave No Trace" award at the Pack Meeting last week. For the summer, we have already agreed that he will work on three belt loops/pins in Art, Math and Music. There might be more, but that's a good start. He already has two pins, and when he starts the Webelo program in November, having a few pins to start with will be great.

During the school year, Scott was in the Lego Club and built some pretty impressive things. In fact, all the club members did a wonderful job and the volunteer in charge put their latest creations on display in the school hallway.

Scott and his friend Alex built the ferry and all the cars in it.

Here is the helecopter that he built.

Today Scott got his official summer haircut. It is really short around the sides and a bit longer on top. Sandy noticed that his calic on top is in a circle. When we got outside (very hot this week) Scott mentioned that the breeze really felt good on his head.
We have been going to Sandy for hair cuts since Scott was 3, so he knows her routine quite well, and asks for a particular shampoo each time...tea tree shampoo. It smells good and tingles on the scalp. At least, that's what Scott says.

Boeing Science Alliance and Trojan Horse

Stephanie has been busy at school with many different projects. Here you see the Trojan Horse she drew as part of a poster. We made it a pop up, but in a flat picture, you can't see that. The wheels in the front are elevated and the body of the horse is too. The best part is that she was able to draw the horse and really make it look like a wooden horse!
All year long, Stephanie has taken advantage of the Boeing Science Alliance (which I dubbed the Science Club) and they met after school on Tuesdays and studied things like electricity, various experiments and the last quarter it was the science of magic. This video is her part of the magic show. The best part of this club is that it was FREE! She also came home from them full of excitement of the projects they completed.

Now for an update on her toe! We saw Dr. Moore yesterday and he was really pleased about how it was healing. Thankfully the infection is finally cleared and we saw good toe nail growth. There was also some calcium deposits, but we get to slowly clean those off with some cream. She goes back in two months to make sure that the nail is growing in straight and not curved.

School only has two more weeks, but lots of reading and such still needs to be done. And there are two more piano lessons before summer break.