Stephanie has been busy at school with many different projects. Here you see the Trojan Horse she drew as part of a poster. We made it a pop up, but in a flat picture, you can't see that. The wheels in the front are elevated and the body of the horse is too. The best part is that she was able to draw the horse and really make it look like a wooden horse!
All year long, Stephanie has taken advantage of the Boeing Science Alliance (which I dubbed the Science Club) and they met after school on Tuesdays and studied things like electricity, various experiments and the last quarter it was the science of magic. This video is her part of the magic show. The best part of this club is that it was FREE! She also came home from them full of excitement of the projects they completed.
Now for an update on her toe! We saw Dr. Moore yesterday and he was really pleased about how it was healing. Thankfully the infection is finally cleared and we saw good toe nail growth. There was also some calcium deposits, but we get to slowly clean those off with some cream. She goes back in two months to make sure that the nail is growing in straight and not curved.
School only has two more weeks, but lots of reading and such still needs to be done. And there are two more piano lessons before summer break.