Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cub Scouts, Legos and Heat

Scott is a busy guy and here he is getting his "Leave No Trace" award at the Pack Meeting last week. For the summer, we have already agreed that he will work on three belt loops/pins in Art, Math and Music. There might be more, but that's a good start. He already has two pins, and when he starts the Webelo program in November, having a few pins to start with will be great.

During the school year, Scott was in the Lego Club and built some pretty impressive things. In fact, all the club members did a wonderful job and the volunteer in charge put their latest creations on display in the school hallway.

Scott and his friend Alex built the ferry and all the cars in it.

Here is the helecopter that he built.

Today Scott got his official summer haircut. It is really short around the sides and a bit longer on top. Sandy noticed that his calic on top is in a circle. When we got outside (very hot this week) Scott mentioned that the breeze really felt good on his head.
We have been going to Sandy for hair cuts since Scott was 3, so he knows her routine quite well, and asks for a particular shampoo each time...tea tree shampoo. It smells good and tingles on the scalp. At least, that's what Scott says.

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