Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A White Christmas

We had a very simple Christmas this year and I will let the pictures tell the story.

It is true! We had a White Christmas! This is so rare for us that I had to document it for posterity. Even now, New Year's Eve, the back yard is still covered in snow...but it is melting...yeah! The sad part of being snowed in for Christmas is that all the plates of cookies I was going to deliver didn't happen and by the time I could get out, I wouldn't give them away as many had gone stale...but we are eating them anyway!

The guitar was from Grandma and Grandpa Jensen as it used to be Grandma's guitar. My parents had flown to Salt Lake City to see the Temple lights and so it was arranged that they would bring the guitar back with them from Utah. That sure saved a lot of postage! And was Scott ever so pleased with it! He was hugging it when we came down the stairs. Now we just need to get some new strings and lesson materials and we are set!

Every year for Christmas I give Scott a stuffed cat. This year it was a bandit cat!

Stephanie in her new hat...wore it all day for two days!

Santa brought a Bryer horse...

...and a Bella Sara game.

I picked up this pillow for Steve to further document our "White Christmas". It was also marked down quite a bit!

A cat toy in his stocking...since Isabella has adopted Steve as her favorite person. :)

Here is Isabel admid all the gift wrapping...she only stayed long enough for this picture...
Merry Christmas!

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