Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tart Christmas Party

On Saturday, December 20th, early in the morning (for us) we left our warm home and headed to Gig Harbor for the Tart family Christmas party. The roads here in Monroe are snow covered, but the highways and freeways were just fine. I knitted a scarf on our way there...finished it just as we got into Gig Harbor!

The party itself was really nice. The food was wonderful! The cookies I brought didn't last long...need to make a note to self to take more cookies next time. The homemade theme went over really well and the bags I made for the children were well received. I gave Julie my best bags and a couple of dishcloths of the finest cotton thread I had.

We left Gig Harbor around 1:30 and it had already started to snow there when we left. We got home around 3:30 or so and spent the rest of the day waiting for a big storm to arrive.

Oh...I gave the scarf I knitted to Mom to give to someone...I just like knitting them...they are fast and easy...especially when you use those huge knitting needles. :)

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