Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sharon, the Crafter!

I'm officially one of the Starving Housewives! I am putting my bags and other creations into a craft fair April 7 - 11. Since I only decided on this a few weeks ago, things around here have been pretty hectic. My Mother even came up for a few days to help me sew and decorate the bags. She even sewed up the seams in the dishcloths.

Thanks Mom!

I'm really excited about this and may even do their fall and winter craft fairs too. As long as there are no medical claim jobs opening up, this gives me something to do...not that being a stay at home mom means I'm doing nothing... :)

Last week, Steve found this seed rack at Coast-to-Coast, who are closing their store, and it works perfectly for showing off the bags. Now I just need to get busy and sew the remaining bags that have been previously cut out. So if you are interested in coming to this event, all the details can be found on their web site:

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