Thursday, January 8, 2009

Flood Waters

This morning I called my brother, Doug, who lives next door to the river in Carnation (I don't know if it's the Tolt river or the Snohomish river), he said that he would send me a picture of it. Here it is. :)

Then I got to thinking...I should go and get some pictures of my own from here in Monroe. It is my "play" day and I haven't done any playing let the adventure begin... :)

First I picked up my best friend, Stephanie G, and we headed to the town library. I knew that if you stood on the berm next to the parking lot that you could see the river in the distance, especially in the winter when the leaves are gone. Well, we are standing on the berm and the river has come to meet us.

Part of the adventure here is that I had to climb over a bank of snow first, and promptly fell onto my knees. Stephanie had to get out of the van and come rescue me. It took me a while to stop laughing.

We then headed over to Sky River Park where you couldn't even get into the park...all the playgrounds are flooded.

Our last stop was at the park on Lewis Street, just as you come into town on State Route 203. There too the roads were closed to thru traffic.

In this picture, the bridge is SR 203 and the Skykomish river is running very high!
Now I'm sung at home, eating home made bread and basking in the thought of chicken strogonoff for dinner.

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