Thursday, January 8, 2009

Where in the House is Isabel?

Yes...another drama, but this one only lasts an hour!

I had just returned from exercising at the YMCA at 11 am. (Yesterday morning). We had a Vet appointment for Isabel scheduled for 11:30 and the plan was for us to have me arrive home, pack up Isabel in her carrier and head out. It didn't quite work that way.

Our lovely cat knows how to find hiding places! When I got home, Steve had already been looking for her for half an hour. Me, I went through all the logical places downstairs, opening cupboards (yes, she can get into our cupboards), checking under furniture, pillows, behind the furniture. You name it, I looked there. Upstairs, Steve had already checked all the known hiding places in the play/game room and was checking out all the bedrooms. Now, we keep these doors closed unless we are in there, so the chances of her being in them was very slim.

Interesting things you find when you are looking for a cat. Scott's closet floor is a disaster. Stephanie's corner and chair have turned into a closet. Our own closet needs a makeover... :) But Isabel.

Steve even gets a ruler and starts banging it in various places in hopes to "wake" her up and get her moving somehow. That didn't work. Here we are, two adults, and we can't find a cat! By this time it was time to go and already we knew we were going to be late.

So we called in the "big guns", a prayer! We asked Heavenly Father to have her move so that we could hear her bell (she has a small bell attached to her collar). Steve then looks some more downstairs, I head into the game room, sit in the chair on wheels and check out my scrapbooking has velcro for closures...thinking that if she is so smart to get into our cupboards, she might be smart enough to get into the suitcase. I undid the velcro, but no Isabel.

Then I just sat there in the chair just listening. You have to remember, I am totally deaf in one ear, so I can't tell where sound is coming from. It was while I was there listening that I heard a "tinkle". I yelled down to Steve if he could hear it too...but no. Then I looked up...and there she was! On a shelf with Stephanie's horse books! She had found a perfect hiding place behind those books. They are at my eye level when standing, so we wouldn't have seen her from looking down at the books.

Anyway, Steve was there quickly, and with a few scratches, she was in her carrier and on the way to the vet. Thankfully, Heavenly Father answers prayers for our pets too!

Oh, the vet claimed her perfectly healthy, just fat. She also got the shots she needed.

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