Saturday, July 4, 2009

An American Day

The morning started off early by getting Scott up to the church so that he could participate in the Flag Raising Ceremony. When we arrived, he jumped in and started helping by carrying out chairs that were then set up in a semi circle around the flag pole.

Scott is wearing his red vest and is leading the procession. This is his first time working together with the Boy Scouts in raising the Flag and was willing to get up early for the opportunity.

I love this picture of all the Scouts saluting the Flag.

Last night I tried to finish my bag, but my back rebelled and so it waited for me to do the ending details today. On the outside there are two big pockets to hold my calendar and journal, and pen and pencil pockets on the sides. Inside I put two patch pockets to hold my keys and cell phone. More importantly, I learned a new putting in a magnetic snap closure. works!

Just the right size for me. :)
Sure hope you are all having a fun and safe Independence Day!

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