Sunday, March 15, 2009

Green & Pink Purse

Remember the red purse I made last week or so? Well, here is the pink and green one from the same pattern, but modified! I made the body bigger, put the handle on the side and used D rings on the inside. And instead of that strange 'u' shaped piece, I cut a long 2" strip that was sewn long enough to hold those D rings. Also, the side of the band was sewn flat instead of sticking out on the sides. Minor differences, but I like this bag much better!

Again I used one of the scarfs/kerchief that my mother had given me and the green fabric was found in the remnant section at Walmart. There was barely enough to complete this! I need to so a little embellishment, but otherwise I am really pleased with the result here!

This is the back photos are not really showing how the green of the handle and top match some of the green in the pink fabric...oh well. I know it works.

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