Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You Can Call Me Al

Scott came home from school on Monday a bit later than usual due to Lego Club. So I had already been on line and saw that he didn't finish one of his assignments for the day. When he walks in the door, I asked him how things went in Lego club and I gather that the project he was working on there was quite complicated and he wanted to be able to finish it by going to the "camp" during Spring Break. I told him no as we didn't have the money, it costs $20 to attend the camp. So he was pretty sad about that as it was a project he was really, really wanting to finish.

Then we got on the subject of homework. He told me he had none, that he got everything done in class. So I asked him about Writing4, which Mr. Brown had listed as not being turned in. That's when Scott became quite agitated and started crying. "Mr. Brown told me I could put down my new nick name on the paper, so I did!" "What is your new nick name?" "It's Albert Einstein, or Al, because I knew all the answers today...I kept raising my hand with them, so Mr. Brown started calling me Al."

Okay, so you really got all the work done and you just need to let Mr. Brown know that you used your nick name on the paper instead of your own? Yes...okay...we won't stress out about it now, but you really need to fix it in the morning. In the meantime, if you do start using your nick name, please put your real name in parenthesis so that the teacher, and whoever does the grading, will know it was you...okay? Okay...crisis avoided.

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