Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Sound of Music

Every day we find something new to enjoy about Isabel. She loves getting into small spaces and will sniff at everything! If there is a way into a cupboard, she will find it.

She loves my new brown chairs so much that I had to cover one with a blanket to make sure it stays brown, instead of black from her hair. :)

However, she truly surprised us yesterday. We had just finished saying the blessing for our dinner when we heard musical notes from the piano...ka chink...ka chink...that quickly! Isabel had jumped up onto the piano and was unprepared for it being open. The children usually close the piano when they are finished with their practicing, but Scott, in a hurry to get to another chore, forgot. We sure had an enjoyable laugh at dinner! Isabel? It took her only a few moments to come back into the family room to watch us eat.

Small spaces!

Here I had just received a package of shoes in the mail and there she is, in the box with the shoes still in them. Oh...check out the bags I just finished. That's another story for this afternoon...

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