Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Valentine's Day 2009

Before you start reading this, Steve had asked me to write about our adventures this year. So I am keeping my promise.

As for Valentine’s Days in general…I have a love/hate relationship with them. Before getting married…I hated them. They always seemed to fall on a working day, so I would be at work and many of my co-workers would get deliveries of flowers and my desk was always blank. I hated the fact that I didn’t have a “sweetheart” that would send me flowers! So I would buy myself a box of chocolates and read a romance novel.

Then I got married. I finally got the flowers and the chocolates, but there was no one to see me get them…except the children…so why was I miffed??…and still out buying myself chocolates?? (I no longer read the romance novels…a good space opera instead).

You had to know these attitudes before understanding the rest of the story!

This year, for Valentine’s Day, Steve was scheduled to be in California for a Dr. Who convention. I totally approved of his going. I even told him he had to. He has been planning this for over a year! I just didn’t connect the dots of the dates at the time that it would also include a holiday. I really didn’t care, but I still went out and bought myself some chocolate (usually my own money and bought at Sweet Indulgence). On the Tuesday before he left, (which was on Wednesday), Steve came home with some cut flowers. They were beautiful and I dutifully put them into a vase and actually kept them near the computer instead of the dining table while he was gone. I have to admit to being kind of sad that I wasn’t going to get a delivery from him on Saturday. A secret dream of mine. That was cool…I could handle it. There are more years to come…but he did remember to get me something for Valentine’s Day.

Okay…now for the fun part of the story. When Steve left on Wednesday, and I knew he was in the plane…I called his hotel and asked them what I could do to have something delivered to his room on Valentine’s Day. They didn’t have anything appropriate in the hotel itself, so I was directed to a company there in Los Angeles that makes and delivers baskets of goodies. I called them and arranged for a bag of goodies…to include some mint truffles (a honeymoon tradition that continues) to be delivered to his room. No problems. I was totally pleased with myself that I was pulling one over on my husband!

Well…Saturday arrives and in the early afternoon I get a call from Steve and he has me go looking in a secret spot for come Sees candy that he hid (YUM), but he didn’t mention anything about any delivery to him. Hmmm…what is going on? After we chatted a bit, hung up…I got to thinking that maybe it didn’t happen? So I called Fanciful again and asked about the delivery…they said that everything went out and nothing came back on the trucks. Oh well…I can’t call Steve and ask him anything…it would totally destroy any surprise that this was supposed to be. So I went to bed.

Sunday morning I get a call from him. The night before, when he was leaving his room to head to yet another event with the convention, he noticed that the message light was lit on his phone. So he called for it and the operator told him it was a written one that he had to collect down at the desk. Why couldn’t he just have voice mail like all other messages? Oh well, it would have to wait until after this last event. It was midnight when he finally got to the desk, and they couldn’t find the message! Everyone looked and it was not to be found! But yet, they remembered seeing it there. So he heads to his room a bit dejected and upset that things are messed up, only to find that my Valentine gift was finally delivered to his room! After midnight…who knew that things could get that crazy!

The sweet part is that he brought home most of the goodies and I got to share in them.

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